79: Identity Trade

16/10/2222 31 minutes

With such a long life span, you can't blame a person for getting a little bored. Luckily, there's nothing that brightens up your life like a good old fashioned Identity Trade. You can swap identities or just get additional ones. Watch out though; if you get unlucky, you may end up with none. And that's not good! We explain what you can do with different identities, but we don't explain why it helps with your tax returns. If anybody figured that out, let us know! Also, you'll find out who Push Button is.

To confirm this episode went back in time, please email michaellasagna5@gmail.com with the episode number in the subject line. We may even respond to your message in a future episode!


  • 00:00 - Hello

  • 00:25 - Introduction

  • 05:37 - Identity Trade

  • 26:36 - Listener Email

  • 31:16 - Outroduction

  • 31:37 - Goodbye


  • Theme Music: Over 100 Jaar by Klein Orkest

  • Almost Everything Else: Simon & Dirk


80: Holodeck


78: Hubs